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  • Extracurricular activity
    Industry officials
    On November 19 a group of our Costal Ecology students arrived in Vichy France for the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Schools Network (ASCSN) conference. Upon arrival the students were greeted by the mayor of Vichy before beginning their work with the ASCSN. The students that traveled included Lauren Wallace, Donald Soctomah, Reese Thompson, Hailey Bell, Eunseo Cho, and Jodie Harris. These students have been learning and helping with hatchery methods at the Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) under the supervision of WA science teacher, Don Sprangers.
    During their time in France students had the opportunity to visit a hatchery and learn about its methods of operation. They were able to visit spawning grounds and a dam with research and observation windows. The students helped conduct research and were able to attend a variety of lectures on topics such as; geology and watershed, biodiversity and conservation, water policy, and more.


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