- 買い物、飲食 5.0
- 滞在者(滞在期間:2024年8月~)
- Trader Joe's is a very famous and popular supermarket in New York. It's in many places. And it's very cheap, which is very helpful for me as an international student, especially since prices are so high. There are lines on Friday and Sunday nights, but I imagine it's quiet on normal weekdays and Saturdays. I especially like the fresh cut vegetables, which are fresher than other supermarkets and can be eaten as is with dressing, which is convenient and of course delicious. Trader Joe's also sells Greek yogurt in various flavors. My favorite is mango flavor! They also sell dried mango for $2. It's healthy and very delicious, and I always have lots in my room! I eat it in between dance classes. They also have dried orange fruits!
- 語学学校のレベルはオーストラリアやカナダに比べると劣るというかお金持ちのヨーロッパの高校生が休暇中にニューヨークには来ていたりするので基本的にそこまで英語...
- 5.0
- 元滞在者(2018年8月~2018年9月) 2020/02/22
- 日本食レストランでアルバイトできます。国連採用試験の問題はとても難しい。自然科学、社会科学、文学、芸術などの幅広い知識が必要でした。普段から英字新聞を読ん...
- 4.0
- 元滞在者(2000年1月~2004年12月) 2019/03/29
- Diversity溢れる世界一の都市、ニューヨーク。私の通っているコロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院では、世界43か国からの留学生が集まり日々激論を交わして...
- 5.0
- 滞在者(2016年6月~2018年6月) 2017/06/29
- New York is the best city in the whole world. There is nothing to compare, bu...
- 5.0
- 滞在者(2015年1月~) 2016/12/29