
  • tatitana
    Current student(2015/9~2016/3)Feb 24, 2016
    If you are looking for a PROFESSIONAL English Learning Center this is the right place. Before I applied to GLOBAL ESL ACADEMY I went to few other English schools. Advertisement was all over the internet and on the street, but the level of education was horrible... So, I started to look again for an English language school that will give me knowledge and proper understanding of strategies on how to prepare for TOEFL. That was my goal!! I googled "TOEFL Preparation" and first ads was Global ESL Academy. Positive reviews and comments made me call and schedule and appointment. Friendly Executive Director of the facility Ms.Shira was very informative. I felt comfortable and didn't even wanted to look for another center. I got lucky to be in Ms. Shannon's class. She is an incredible person with a Great personality!!! I was able to pass my TOEFL Test without any difficulties. Warm environment, friendly staff, Excellent Educational Program!!! Will refer all of my friends and people who will be interesting in learning English as a Second Language ONLY to GLOBAL ESL ACADEMY!!! GREAT JOB DONE GUYS!!!

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  • guest
    Former student(2013/4~2014/5)Apr 7, 2015
    I joined the intensive academic program last year. The school offered the small-group class and good atmosphere. The most impressive thing was everyone, who worked for the school, remembered all students name. I could concentrate on the class and had many occasions to ask question or speak English because of the small-group. I loved Writing and Reading class at the advanced level. The teacher had a passion for teaching English for ESOL students and prepared well for the class, so I could improve my writing skill and enjoyed it. Besides,since students came from many foreign countries, I was inspired from them, too. 2014年にIntensive academic programを受講しました。少人数制のクラスで授業を行っており、アットホームな雰囲気でした。そして小規模の学校だからこそですが、教師、スタッフが生徒全員の顔と名前を覚え必ず名前で呼んでくれます。私が受講した当時は1クラス8名前後だったので、どの授業でも質問も発言もし易かったです。特にWritingの上級クラスは先生が熱心で授業の質が高く、Essayの添削指導も素晴らしかったです。 少人数の学校ですが、各国様々の地域から生徒が来ている点も非常に良かったです。

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