この口コミは、Guilherme Afonsoさんの主観的なご意見・ご感想であり、Infinity English Collegeの価値を客観的に評価するものではありません。あくまでも一つの参考としてご活用ください。また、経験者による口コミであっても、あくまでも体験した当時のものになります。内容、費用、プログラム等が現在と異なる場合がありますので、留学の際は必ず事前に直接学校の担当者にご確認ください。

  • Love 5.0
    Former student(2015/4~2015/7)
    I studied on Infinity for 3 months and it was amazing. Now I can say that I lost my shame to speak in English and I can have a nice conversation. I had excellent teachers, they were always ready to help me. The others staffs were always so polite and helpful. I spend there the best time of my exchange and I could make a lot of friends of another nationality and to know other cultures.I recommend if you want good experiences to remember. I super recommend the cafeteria as well.


    Infinity English College からのコメント Aug 13, 2015

    We super recommend you come back ! :)

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