この口コミは、Julia Limさんの主観的なご意見・ご感想であり、University of Bridgeportの価値を客観的に評価するものではありません。あくまでも一つの参考としてご活用ください。また、経験者による口コミであっても、あくまでも体験した当時のものになります。内容、費用、プログラム等が現在と異なる場合がありますので、留学の際は必ず事前に直接学校の担当者にご確認ください。

  • Overall Comments 5.0
    Current student(2013/8~2017/5)
    The University of Bridgeport is a place that really allows for personal, social, and academic growth. I am currently an undergrad in the Computer Science Major. Although UB does not seem like a top engineering school compared to MIT, having close one-on-one opportunities with the professors have allowed my peers and me to really hone our coding skills as well as prepare ourselves for internship opportunities at places like Cisco, Sikorsky and General Electric (GE). There are also many opportunities for us to get experiences by joining competitions or doing student projects like CANSAT and CubeSat.

    UB allowed me to meet people from all over the world and it feels like there is a mini international community right here on campus. I have been able to make friends with people from Europe, the Middle East, China, Japan, Mexico, Latin America and so many more places! They are some of my closest friends and its great being able to travel and see them again :)



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