この口コミは、aoaokiraxtuさんの主観的なご意見・ご感想であり、Language Centre, University of the Arts Londonの価値を客観的に評価するものではありません。あくまでも一つの参考としてご活用ください。また、経験者による口コミであっても、あくまでも体験した当時のものになります。内容、費用、プログラム等が現在と異なる場合がありますので、留学の際は必ず事前に直接学校の担当者にご確認ください。

  • Classroom 3.5
    Current student(2017/8~2018/2)
    There are a lot of Japanese students in my English class.
    We have 7 Japanese, 2 Thai, 2 Brazilian, and a Taiwanese.
    It depends on the class level but I think that's too many.
    However, I think English plus class are really good.
    Because We can choose from three courses which are Art, Fashion, and Communication. And I'm taking Communication class.
    We can learn different subjects per 4 weeks
    For example, Film making, Advertising and PR, Animation, and etc.
    Comparing with only English courses, It's really efficiency to learn English.



Language Centre, University of the Arts Londonに対して...


Language Centre, University of the Arts Londonに対して...
