この口コミは、mtakeuchi77さんの主観的なご意見・ご感想であり、Baruch Collegeの価値を客観的に評価するものではありません。あくまでも一つの参考としてご活用ください。また、経験者による口コミであっても、あくまでも体験した当時のものになります。内容、費用、プログラム等が現在と異なる場合がありますので、留学の際は必ず事前に直接学校の担当者にご確認ください。

  • Teacher 5.0
    Current student(2018/1~2020/5)
    I am in the Business Marketing major. The quality of professors is great in Baruch college. The reason is they are employ in the real world, so they are teaching what is happening in the current work place. In addition, students can get the connections with companies through the professors. I think the connections are very important here in New York. Even though you apply for the job following by rules, companies tend to want trustable people who are intriduced by mediators. Also, there are many career fares which is you can meet people who are working in the real world today. It is nice because you can establish the connections with people. In my experience, I got the connection with person who is working at Disney Theatical Group as a Makrting directors. I am still under the process of applying the internship there, but knowing someone who is working there is strength for me. I can use the benefit when I have to compete other applicants. I think Baruch College is the best school in terms of professors.
    Times Square with interesting advertisements



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